Matlab sadrži Toolbox-ove, velike biblioteke funkcija i kolekcija alata za usko specijalne proračune tj. U radu prikazujemo Program Matlab & Simulink R2022a. Kratak sadržaj: Naziv programa Matlab je skraćenica od MATrix LABoratory, idejni tvorac programa Matlab je Jack Little iz firme: The MathWorks. The results indicate that the proposed algorithm obtained a better performance than the PSO-based, in terms of errors in the estimated positions. The performance of the algorithm was also compared with a previous PSO-based localization algorithm. The results, obtained through simulations, shows that the algorithm is effective in solving the localization problem, achieving errors of the order of 0.01 m.u.

In this paper, it is proposed a novel multi-hop localization method based on Tribes algorithm. In the search for alternatives to the GPS, some multi-hop localization methods have been proposed. However, this solution is often not feasible due to hardware limitations of the devices, or even environmental constraints present in its operational area. a robot or a sensor, with a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver. A straightforward solution should be endowing each device, i.e. In many applications of Swarm Robotic Systems (SRS) or Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), it is necessary to know the position of its devices. Thomson Reuters juna meseca svake godine, objavljuje svetsku listu časopisa sa impakt faktorom za prethodnu kalendarsku godinu. Važno je konstatovati da je: impakt faktor funkcija citata i da se impakt faktor odnosi samo na rangiranje naučnih časopisa, a ne odnosi se na rangiranje autora.

Prema tome impakt faktor prezentira prosečan broj citata objavljenih u naučnim časopisima u jednoj godini, koji se odnose na publikovane radove časopisa iz prethodne dve godine. UVOD Impakt faktor časopisa 60-tih godina uvodi Eugene Garfield : »The impact factor of a journal is calculated by dividing the number of current year citations to the source items published in that journal during the previous two years«. Ključne reči - impakt faktor naučnometrijski indeksi h indeks h 5 indeks h median indeks, g indeks i10 indeks. Prezentira se svetska rang lista najboljih 25 istraživača svih vremena. Prikazuje se primena naučnometrijskih indeksa na rangiranje robotičara Srbije i sveta, naučnih časopisa iz oblasti robotike, država iz oblasti veštačke inteligencije. U radu se analizira se h indeks, h 5 indeks, h median indeks, g indeks i i10 indeks. Medjutim, za razliku od impakt faktora, koji rangira samo naučne časopise, naučnometrijski indeksi se primenjuju na rangiranje istraživača, naučnih časopisa, istraživačkih timova, naučnih ustanova i država.

Integrated solutions are planned to be validated in a real environment such as park of nature ldquoAda Ciganlijardquo (city of Belgrade), taking full advantage of dynamic ecological system and recent advances in ICT technology and sensor miniaturisation.Īpstrakt-Naučnometrijski indeksi su funkcije citata. More specifically, the objectives of the paper are addressed to design new methods and technology that integrate enhanced perception, based on heterogeneous sensor system, with advanced cognitive capabilities of mobile robots. The goal is supervision, monitoring and remote sensing of territories and lands. Heterogeneous robot-sensor system consists of autonomous, ambient aware, robust outdoor mobile robots for performing environmental tasks and networked distributed terrestrial and water sensors integrated into the unique Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS). The paper regards development of an ambient intelligent (aware), multi agent, robot-sensor networks for outdoor surveillance and monitoring of human living and working environments.