Like the modern pencil, it continues to be functional, and so it endures. The first recorded use of the word, "pill-box," was in 1730. Any hard material can be used to make this, I used cardboard for prototype and acrylic for the finished product that is demonstrated in the video at the end of the explanation.Pill boxes go way back – hundreds of years. All the connections and hardware should be enclosed inside a small case and the rack with wires is placed outside. LED also blinks repeatedly to provide visual output.įor assembling this system and delivering it to large quarantine centers, a small medicine holding rack can be created as shown below. Once the dose is delivered, the speaker plays a tone (a custom audio clip which is dubbing of person reminding to take the dose, followed by a ringtone) to alert the patient to take the dose. The IR sensor is used to detect the time at which the dose is dropped and taken by the patient and the data is stored in SD card in.csv format. Servo motors are used to deliver the medicine to rack and clear the rack if the patient misses the dose. The rotary encoder is used to set the time for each dose. Each day, 4 doses can be delivered according to the time set. If two racks are used, up to 28 Doses can be stored in a single refill. When the machine is first booted, the user is asked to set the dose times for all the doses of each day.

This alone puts them at a huge risk by keeping them at close proximity to give them just the medicine. This is because they give medicines and different drugs to patients to ease their pain and monitor the effects for drawing conclusions and further studies. The health workers have PPE still they are getting infected. This shows that around 6% of health workers are getting infected by the deadly disease that has no cure yet. These are the numbers of total cases and total nurses infected as of. The World Health Organization (WHO), which is coordinating the global response to the pandemic, says that its 194 member states are not providing comprehensive figures on health worker infections as they grapple with the unprecedented crisis. Catton, noting that 3.5 million cases of COVID-19 have been reported worldwide, said: "If the average health worker infection rate, about 6 percent we think, is applied to that, the figure globally could be more than 200,000 health workers infections today. The ICN represents 130 national associations and more than 20 million registered nurses. The 90,000 estimate is based on information collected on 30 countries from national nursing associations, government figures and media reports. "The figure for health care workers infections has risen from 23,000 to we think more than 90,000, but that is still an underestimation because it is not (covering) every country in the world," Howard Catton, ICN's chief executive officer, told Reuters Television in its lakeside offices. Food and exercise times help patients since there are certain meds that need to be taken at proper intervals before or after food, thus having food on time is important.įollowing lines are taken from an Economic Times post. For using it in households, there is one more feature added- Excercise and Food times of the patient can be stored and act as a reminder, and the machine can also act as an alarm clock and can store 3 alarms. This machine can also be used in houses where old patients forget to take medicines on time and need a caretaker to provide them each dose. The data of when the medicine is taken is stored in an SD card for further reference by doctors to monitor the effect on symptoms by the given doze. Once the medicine is on the given rack from where the patient can take it, he/she is alerted via a speaker on the system to take the medicine. This will ensure distancing from patients and nurses won't have to risk their lives to go and give medicine to the infected patient.

But this puts our Healthcare warriors at risk when they give the medicine to patients, thus I developed a machine that can take in the Medicine Doses of an Entire week, store them and supply them to the patient at the time set by the doctor once, at the start-up of the machine. There is no cure for CoViD-19 yet, although patients are given some medicines by nurses and doctors to ease the pain,increase immunity, and reduce symptoms.